Hi lovelies. This is my final scheduled post, I will be home the very early hours of tomorrow morning. A massive thank you to my lovely boyfriend for looking after my blog's Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for me (well at least he told me he would do it, so I hope I he has stuck to his word lol).
It's the third theme for Life In Lacquers Nail Art Challenge today and this time it is film or TV inspired. I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to this theme, call me weird but I don't watch many films/TV programmes (I'm always too busy painting my nails :P). In the end I decided to go with one of my favourite films from my childhood (who am I kidding, it probably still is one of my favourite films!). Finding Nemo! If you haven't seen this film before, seriously, drop everything now and go and watch it cos it is the best film ever (along with the Lion King). I'm not five years old, I promise!
Read on after the jump for more.